How To Spot Fake Dior Caro Bag

Elegant Dior Bag Replica in Dior Caro Bag

To authenticate the iconic Dior Caro bag start by observing the overall look to get the most details at once. Then, check the bag on the backside to see if the quilting is accurate. Do not forget to check the logo from the front and the back. Finally, finish up your authentication process by checking the hardware and the label.

The Overall Look Method

Counterfeiting this exquisite design is not an easy task, that is why so many differences can be found on the counterfeit bag.

Elegant Dior Bag Replica in Dior Caro Bag

The Back Side Method

Another difference that we spot here is the shape of the numbers and letters: for example, the number 30 is thin, defined, and narrow in the left picture whereas they appear much thicker, faded, and wider on the fake Dior.

Elegant Dior Bag Replica in Dior Caro Bag

The Logo Method

We love the iconic Christian Dior logo that is almost impossible to get replicated flawlessly.

The shape is not the only wrong thing but the color too: the fake logo is much yellower than it is supposed to be.

Elegant Dior Bag Replica in Dior Caro Bag

The Flap Interior Method

If we take a look at the open flap we will notice how the differences in logos were not only from the outside,

The original CD is much curvier with tiny screws on the sides that blend in well with the rest of the logo whereas the sides of the fake letters are less curvy and the screws are much bigger with the sloppier look.

The center part of the fake logo is also much thicker and wider than it was supposed to be whereas the original one is smaller with more definition.

Elegant Dior Bag Replica in Dior Caro Bag

The Hardware Method

This tiny hardware rectangle on the handle of a bag needs to be observed closely too.

Letters on the authentic piece are thick, placed close to one another, and golden whereas they do not even have the same engraved look in the right picture as the letters are thinner, narrower, and black.

Elegant Dior Bag Replica in Dior Caro Bag

The Label Method

The final step we will be using for our Dior Caro Bag authentication is the label method.

The authentic label is nice and big enough for all lettering lines to fit perfectly and symmetrically. The authentic label is smaller with asymmetrical stitching that does not replicate the sewing in the left picture.

Letters are also much paler and less defined on the counterfeit label.

Where Can Buy A Top Quality Replica Dior Caro Bag ? It is an online website that specializes in the production and sale of Dior products. All the details are almost the same as the original ones, and the price is very cheap, and the after-sales service is very good. International express service, shipping around the world will reach you in almost a week.

Link :

How to Spot Fake vs Real Lady Dior Bag
Christian Dior bag fake vs real